
Sunday, August 30, 2009

30 August 2009, Sunday

There has been high winds over here, so my internet connection has been shakey (I'm hoping it won't die while I write this!). Electrical lines keep getting knocked over so I've had days - whole DAYS!! - with out the internet. Sometimes the connection only lasts five to ten minutes even.

Apart from my internet problems, I've also started working full time (while studying full time). I get home quite late and basically become non existent. LoL I don't mind being tired so much as the cut in my writing, studying, and reading (yes, in that order).

I've got about three posts lined up to go and I'll have them up as soon as possible =D



Monday, August 17, 2009

17 August 2009, Monday

I'm so tired but totally ecstatic! After researching all over the net on how to make little link icon buttons, I have finally (and successfully) made my own from my mediocre computer skills =D They aren't fantastical but I'm satisfied with them.

This button was actually my first attempt. I wasn't sure what I was doing and it took like erm (lots?) 20-30 goes to get it "right". But as you can see, it's not really that great. You can barely make out the blog name, its hard to read and I think it's too big!

The second time round took less time and was much much faster. It only took me about half an hour to do this one. I tried to make it smaller and more readable. I was actually quite happy about it until...

Until I did some research (or searching around!). These icon thingys seem to be mostly half the size of what I had produced. I actually made this last icon by accident. I have no idea how the colour changed itself - nope, not a clue. It just happened. It's still quite rough but I like it.

The buttons above aren't "linked" yet but the one on my sidebar has been linked to my blog. So when you click on it, you will be redirected to my blog page!

I know, they aren't very useful but I think it's good to have one (just in case *g*). So sleepy and I really gotta get my assignment done now that I've wasted enough time!

Oh... and to add - I've also (at last after so much frustration) made myself a FavIcon (Favorite Icon) for blogger! A FavIcon is the little picture you see next to my url at the very top in the address bar. It's also the picture you see next to my blog name in my tabbed browser if you have lots of tabs open. It was so hard to understand the way to create one, but now that I know how to do it, it's so easy! takes like 20 minutes!

  • <-- that is my Favicon!

Any one interested? I wouldn't mind posting how to make FavIcons and link buttons if anyone is interested =D (cos it was so HARD to find out how to do them when I was trying to make mine!).