Tuesday, March 29, 2011
30 March 2011, Wednesday
Don't you just hate it when you start reading a book or a blurb or a whatever and then bang... OH NO! What did the author do to the book!?!?
Well, these things drive me insane, especially when it happens unexpectedly!
Pet Reading Peeve 1: Writing in first POV is an automatic turn off, I can't stand it and you know, I'm the type of reader who tends to just read the blurb and buy the book, I don't flip inside the book to take a read first ... Check to self, always read at least one page before buying a freaking book.
Pet Reading Peeve 2: In a similar vein, I can't stand reading from one persons view point all the time. I kinda like to know what the other person involved thinks too thank you - and you know what, reading a single page of a a book won't tell me this.. about a third into the book then I realise!
Pet Reading Peeve 3: Menage trois or anything more than two. Thanks. But no thanks.